Awaken your Dreams Walking
Dreams are the guiding words of the Soul.
– C. G. Jung –
Our significant dreams – the dreams we remember our whole lives – help us hear the Voice of our Soul.
Our Soul comes calling each night as we move through dream landscapes, meet symbolic characters and have mysterious conversations. With such skilful direction, our deepest and truest Wisdom curates and directs the content and dialogue of our Dreams.
Once heard and understood, our dreams can help us navigate the personal, social and global events of our waking life.
Our dreams connect us to our personal subconscious – the treasure house of our Soul’s guidance and gifts. Here we also find the dark cave that holds our wounds, in the shadows where we have not yet looked. The dream content that we don’t yet understand will continue to present itself. Though we seem awake, we are still asleep inside the dreams we have not yet understood and acted upon.
“Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will direct our lives and we will call it fate.” — Carl Jung
Our dreams also link us to the Collective Unconscious – the very real shared ‘neural’ network between all people, the earth and all creation, and the cosmos itself. This forgotten knowledge is understood by indigenous people across the world. One example of this, known as the DreamTime, still helps the First Peoples of Australia navigate the Songlines of their landscape to find water, shelter and food.
During a one-hour DreamsWalking session we will illuminate the many layers within your dream, understanding them as the guiding words of your Soul. With every successive DreamsWalking Session, it becomes clear that you have a personal Dream Directory – your very own set of dream associations. While dream images may be universal and archetypal, you will discover your own specific meanings, revelations, predictions and premonitions. They guide you to walk into the life of your dreams.
Honour your dreams and, with courage, live. Your feet will find their own bright path.
An uninterpreted dream is like throwing away an unopened letter from God.
— The Talmud —
At times of crisis, when we feel most alone, we all begin to dream together. When we understand the meaning of our own dreams, we begin to see what life is asking of us in these urgent moments. When we understand our part, we can co-create and live a shared dream of a more beautiful, equal, just and peaceful world. We become conscious, mindful, openhearted and awake.
A bell has been tolling for decades now. Wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP. Swiss Analytical Psychologist Carl Jung noticed our shared dream field in the chilling lead up to World War Two. He began to dream of rivers of blood flooding the whole continent of Europe. And so, too, did his analysands – his clients – dream of Europe engulfed in blood. When Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, what had been a collective premonition passed from Soul to Soul, burst through into the waking nightmare that came chillingly to pass.
We are all waking up to the urgent realities of our present moment – and we are being called into our highest service to life. We have the potential at this moment to dream a different dream for ourselves, each other, and all who inhabit our precious and generous Earth.
This is why our dreams are so important, now more than ever. We can wake up to what our dreams are really saying to us. Each night we are led back to where we have come from, and to what we still need to understand if we are to consciously chart where we are going.